Meet our Team
Dr. Rebecca Shoaf (me)… and you!
About you:
- You are busy providing for your family and doing your best to nurture your child’s health and development as you exercise your right and responsibility to educate and rear your children.
- You are not a number or a production metric.
- You want quality care for your kids.
- You need timely but unrushed appointments.
- You need a doctor who will listen.
About me:
- Caring for pediatric patients in the Upstate since 2013
- Board-certified Pediatrician since 2004
- Fellow of the American College of Pediatricians
- Member of the Christian Medical and Dental Association
- Married to the love-of-my-life Vernon for almost 25 years (also the essential behind-the-scenes guy of BridgeWay who rounds out the team and makes BridgeWay Pediatrics a “we”)
- Mom of 6 children, kindergarten through high school senior, who have taught me much and are still teaching me all the things you don’t learn in the medical books (stay tuned for future blogs on such diverse topics as the importance of modeling humility and asking forgiveness, infant potty training surprises learned from a constipated 8 month old, and the structural and developmental consequences of unrecognized tongue ties and airway obstruction!)
- Completed Pediatric Residency at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center
- Recipient of the 2001 East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine William E. Laupus Pediatrics Award for graduating medical student showing the most promise in pediatrics
- Recipient of the East Carolina University 1997 University Award, the most prestigious award given to a graduating senior in recognition of outstanding achievement in academics, service, and leadership.
- East Carolina University Chancellor’s Scholar, recipient of ECU’s only full ride undergraduate scholarship
- Graduate of the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics
- I love people, adventures, hiking, exploring God’s amazing creation, marveling at the endless depth of his palette in the skies and in human eyes, swimming, swinging, quiet time, reading good books, harmonizing hymns, the honesty and hope of the Psalms, learning new things, and so much more!
- I didn’t consider medicine as a career until my junior year of college due to a partial misconception that doctors couldn’t get to know their patients as whole persons, but could only spend a few minutes to diagnose and prescribe. For the first half of my college years, I intended to incorporate music therapy (my undergraduate degree) into a physical therapy career, but kept finding I wanted to know more of both the big picture and the details so switched gears to pursue medical school. I ultimately chose pediatrics so I could focus on excelling in a narrower field of medicine than the entire family, yet enjoy the blessing of getting to know and follow whole families for extended periods. I have indeed enjoyed providing holistic care to many families over the years, but I have found that the traditional practice model makes it difficult due to time and third party payer constraints. My goal with BridgeWay Pediatrics is to create and maintain a practice environment where I can consistently know and treat each child or adolescent as a whole person, in the context of their family.
Professional Credentials
Learn more about the American College of Pediatricians (ACPeds):
American College of Pediatricians
“Our mission is to enable all children to reach their optimal physical and emotional health and well-being.
Our vision is to promote a society where all children, from the moment of their conception, are valued unselfishly. We encourage mothers, fathers and families to advance the needs of their children above their own.”
Tethered Oral Tissues Specialty Training
Dr. Shoaf has extensive experience collaborating with orofacial myofunctional therapists, dentists, feeding therapists, and ENT specialists caring for patients with orofacial myofunctional dysfunction. Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy focuses on muscles of the face and mouth and teaches clients how to breathe, posture, swallow, and speak correctly. Its main focus is creating a healthy balance between orofacial structure and function. When these functions are impaired, an Orofacial Myofunctional Disorder exists.

Have questions? I'm here to provide answers!
My goal with BridgeWay Pediatrics is to create and maintain a practice environment where I can consistently know and treat each child or adolescent as a whole person, in the context of their family.
Stay in touch
Let us connect you with a team and resources to maximize your child’s health.